ironic or whatever you call my title today(in comparison to my blog name).
my dearest friend had just explained my blog name in a very complicated way... have she revealed my deepest darkest part of my mind? I wonder...
she mentioned that at the end of my blog name "it is v simple...", "..." had more to conclusively state my statement as simple, there must be something after that. well, then that's for those who will follow my blog to find out what's after that statement. if stating "it is v simple" truly reflect that things are simple, then i wouldnt need a blog to pour my tots. there will be no interesting things to read abt.
why 'it'? cos i have no idea what is 'it'. but i believe there is a 'it' out there that will fit to this description.
anyway, i m not in my best mood lately. you know the times when you have a v v v heavy feeling in your heart. i m checking where that weight comes from, but i am so busy that i have no time to even pause and think.