Sunday, April 08, 2007

A very good friday

On Thurs, 1 day before good friday, i was reading my friend's blog (
This is the part that caught my attention..

" Someone said this before, 'All it takes for evil to succeed is for people to do nothing at all'. All the devil needs to do to succeed in bringing as many people with him to hell is to convince as many christians to do nothing about this precious gift that we possess.To get us to feel nothing, say nothing, and be oblivious to the cries of people who are yet to be saved, not seeing the bleeding heart of Jesus when He sees so many precious ones dying each day without knowing Him as their Lord and King, their Savior and Friend."

I am glad to say that we did not do nothing this Good Friday. It is so easy to tell yourself that you have work hard day in day out and need a break over this long weekend.
It is so easy to sleep til late morning, watch tv thru the afternoon and waste the evening away.
But I am glad we did something so that the Lord's death 2000 years ago did not come to nothing.

The very purpose for Jesus's death to bring life to us. And Good Friday, (耶稣受难日),is the day where Jesus die for us all, even before we come to accept him as our Lord. He die for all not just me but all.

This is the very thing that amazes me til today. His love...

So as I was saying, we had our very first cell outreach party. The response was good with 4 new friends. When Nathan shared the song and Lindy, her testimony, I know the seed of love has been planted in the heart of all.