Thursday, February 04, 2010

Calling of a mother

From the book " Don't make me count to three."

Sometimes I feel like just getting dressed and making it through the day is all I ever accomplish. "Isn't there something more that you wanted me to do today Lord?" Finally, I could hear that still, small voice. I may not have found a cure for cancer or conquer world hunger, but as I soak in my tub, God gently reminds me of what I did accomplish today. i had the privilege of listening to the hopes and dreams of a handsome young man who thinks I'm the greatest woman in the world. He stands just over three feet tall and only gets really excited over Legos and pizza, but he is funny and charming, and never boring.
I was able to dust, organize, clean, counsel and cook. I kissed away the boo-boos and washed away the tears. I praised, rebuked, encouraged, hugged and tested my patience, all before noon.
Yes, my greatest accomplishment today is nurturing the two precious children that God has entrusted to my care.

This 1st chapter of the book gave me inspiration of what accomplishment a full time mother had made out of their everyday. We may not be CEO or Director. We do not given target or KPI to meet by our boss (we dun have a boss). But everyday of our life is of great accomplishment cos we are doing what God has entrusted us to do!

There are days when I wonder if I have the calling to be a full time mother. Those are the days when Caleb nearly drive me crazy, but which jobs do not have bad days. I learn that those bad days are used to help me teach Caleb into a better boy and also to mould me to be of better character too.

As for the good times, it is countless. My heart melts each time Caleb run to me, hug me, call for me, when he bream with joy as he make small accomplishments.