Friday, January 19, 2007


have you been disappointed before?
have you been disappointed again and again?
have you been disappointed, then you recovered, then get disappointed again, then you picked yourself up again, and then again... and again?

i know man will disappoint me, i am all ready to face that, but yet today, i feel like hidding again.

i thank God that i have Him to cling on. else i wouldn't know where to find the strength to pick myself up again, the next time i am being disappointed. i thank God that He is the one i am serving so i know that even if man fails, God never fails.
(5pm)now i want to thank God for disappointments, cause they will mould me in my character.
No point dwelling in my disappointments, cause it doesn't fill me, it doesn't make me feel better, it doesn't cause me to grow either. ok!!! time to move on!!!!

1 comment:

lamb said...

who disappoint you? i go *bish* the person for you? chao nan ren!